From Zilling to Ugartsthal

The colonist Georg Wenzel e.g. took in 1783 the following way into the Sendomir (Sandomierz) area: Bielsko - Biała, Kęty, Zator, Skawina, Brzesko, Tarnów, Dąbrówka, Mielec and Jeżów . Probably my ancestor - Johann Jacob Philipps from Zilling in Lotaringia, together with his family, spent the same time and manner travelling. Maybe, he travelled together with Wenzel... The picture shows the possible route of Johann Jacob Philipps from Zillingen to Ugartsthal - all rights reserved ! Publication authorized by quoting sources.


Rebecca pisze…
Interesting story. Amazing about our ancestors. I see from an earlier post that you have a listing of the original people in Landestreu. I see my ancestors Johan Adam Kitch and his wife Anna Maria Kitsch (born Kohlenberger) mention in there. Their granddaughter and great granddaughter emigrated to Morden Manitoba Canada in 1903.
andreypl pisze…
Dear Rebecca,

There are many people in Canada who has roots in Landestreu and Ugartsthal. And all they are connected... So surely we are also cousins, only the level of connection is unknown :)
Best regards from Poland,

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